It's designed to represent the Native Americans that lived in the area. I was there for a few days working then flew from Souix Falls to Atlanta and spent a few days being spoilt by our good friends Paul and Robyn, plenty of food, martini's and shopping - it was a lot of FUN. One of the many things I bought were some of those mini wooden pegs. I had a moment of inspiration and thought of a good way to solve the problem of sewing blocks together either in the wrong order or upside down. I wrote numbers on them and then I can use them to identify which blocks I can sew to which, the pegs also identify which way around the blocks should be. As they are so small they don't pull at the fabric and so not leave pin holes like safety pins can.

From Atlanta I flew to LA spent a day visiting clients and eating at a very interesting seafood restaurant after which I went to the airport and took a red eye to Detroit there was a 4 hour wait at the airport for a connection to Stewart, of the joys of traveling in the US.That weekend I focussed on finishing the top of my blue and white quilt - hurrah that's an awful lot of squares that I had to match up there were so many squares!

To celebrate I decided to start a wall hanging, I used some batik scraps that I had and took a stitch in the hoop design from my Piece in the Hoop book. The designs from this book always stitch out very nicely. Can't make up my mind how to quilt it yet? Nice bright spring colors though, which reminds me, it has finally arrived. Daffodils should be flowering by the end of the week.

We had Sunday brunch at the Brotherhood Winery with live Jazz music, it is the oldest winery in US, very nice atmosphere but not as much fun as the other one we went to in Goshen. Wayne and Kathy came with us and we rounded off the afternoon with a trip to another of the local wineries that they are members of. We had a free wine tasting and they bought a box of the wine that they like we all headed back to our place for Pizza.
Wednesday I started running again after a 8 week lay off, man it was hard and my legs ached like crazy for days. First mile was fine it was the next 2 that really burnt. Saturday we went to the local pub for Pizza with Gil and Sara very nice to see them again, hope Gil feels better soon. I spent hours on Sunday cutting fabric for two classes I am doing with Bonnie Hunt and the quilt guild on Friday and Saturday. 72 8.5 X 8.5 squares for one quilt and 180 3.5 X 3.5 squares 72 9.5 X 2, 6.5 X 2 and 3.5 X 2 rectangles for the other. looking forward to the classes - these are stash and scrap quilts. I was able to take a lot of the leg work out of with by using my Accuquilt Go, I used by 3.5 square and the 2 inch strip cutter

I ran 3.5 miles Sunday evening much easier than the Wednesday run, it was good to be out in the fresh air and at lease I was able to keep running this time, I need to keep it up. I am flying to Florida this evening back on Wednesday and also my niece Caitlin arrives, she will be staying with us for just over 2 weeks. Her mum arrives on the 23rd. DH is planning lots of excursions with her and a home made photography course. We are both looking forward to it.